Friday, November 29, 2013

Learn English in this post

Learn English in this post

(Read and find mistake and learn.)


Sentence Yes, dress related sentence for you:-
He was wearing in a silk kurta. My clothes have gone to the lundry.
This Cloth is 10 rupees a meter. This cloth is very warm. 
Indian woman usually wear sarees. I will come after changing my dress.
Nowadays the youth wear clothes of the latest fashion. 

Person Sentence

Yes, Person related Sentence for you :-
What is your name?, Introduce yourself ?
I have just completed thirty. He has black hair. but if hair is white "He has grey hair." is right.
Do you have a joint family? Yes, How many sisters do you have? etc.
Animals Sentecne
Yes, animal related sentence for you : - Which animal has horns ? is Cow ? yes Cow. Which animal gives as wool? The sheep. yes sheep.

Health Sentence

Yes, Health related Sentence for you: -
I am worried about my mother health. he is an ear specialist. He is run down in health. He is blind in one eye. He has heart trouble. can you read the thermometer? 
Study Sentence
yes, Study Related Sentence :-
Which blog in English have you read?
I read  a very interesting blog last night.
I am too tired to attend the class. He is weak in English.
I read a very interesting blog on the topic Jinkiya he.
We have completed our studies. Either you beg his pardon, or pay the fine. she has been absent since Sunday.